UK suffers from illegal teeth whitening

In UK, the number of complaints about poor teeth whitening increased by a quarter. The procedure is carried out by non-qualified dentists, but by cosmetologists who have passed express bleaching courses.

According to the General Dental Council (GDC), the number of complaints have increased by 26% over last year – from 582 to 732 complaints. However, the actual number of victims may be significantly greater, since not everyone at risks gave their statements.

Dr Ben Atkins, president of the Oral Health Foundation, said: “When things go wrong in dentistry, they can really go wrong.

The health effects of artisanal bleaching can be severe. Victims already complain of burns, blisters and even tooth loss. However, this does not stop schools that continue to train quack dentists, despite the fact that such procedures performed by lay people are prosecuted. The GDC said that since 2015, 126 lawsuits have been filed against illegal teeth whiteners.

Untrained beauticians using teeth-whitening kits can cause tooth loss, burns and blister

In UK, only dentist registered with the GDC can perform tooth whitening procedure. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in jail and a huge fine. The BBC conducted an investigation and identified several companies that offer teeth whitening training to ordinary cosmetologists, where in just five hours you can get fake qualifications. Interested persons are promised a big profit – up to 80 pounds per session.

Illegal teeth whitening in the UK

2,885 reports made to the dentists’ regulator over the past four years

Source: General Dental Council

Many people who want to open their own business do not suspect that their activities will be illegal. One of the schools proudly stated that it trained over a thousand unskilled specialists.

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Similarly, do advice your patients not to buy self-administered tooth whitening trays from anyone who is not a licensed dental professional. This includes buying such products from pharmacies. Again, these are likely to have no significant effect over and above placebo.

If you believe an organisation is performing illegal tooth whitening, you can report them to the General Dental Council here.


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