National dentist day

Every year March 6th is observed as National Dentist Day, created to say thank you to all dentists celebrating for their contribution. There are various dental specialities and on this special occasion, it is better to know and recognise them. Dentists are often referred to as dental surgeons or family dentist. They are specialised in treating oral health; it is a comprehensive integrated approach in a field to overall health, and their contribution with responsibility includes:

  • Prevention of disease and promoting oral health
  • Diagnosing oral disease
  • Creating a plan of treatment to restore and master the oral health of patients

We must appreciate them not for just making teeth look good, but also keeping the overall health in a better way. Being a dentist can be a great asset for their tremendous service to the general public.

Activities to be performed on National Dentist Day

In order to celebrate National Dentist Day, spend few extra minutes brushing your teeth, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash. It is better to know the fact that your family dentist is smiling all through the way.

  • Schedule a dental appointment

It is a common thing to forget the fact that dental appointment is must for all. Although we visit the dentist twice in a year, it is necessary to schedule your appointment for a routine periodical check-up, cleaning, etc. It creates a feeling of accomplished satisfaction, and the dentist will be happy to render their service to see your smiling face all the way.

  • Gratitude note to the dentist

It is best to take a moment to write your family dentist a gratitude note for their pretty job. Always let them know how happy you are and appreciate their hard work. This makes them feel so special to you and that blooms their day. It is also good to let them know you brushed your teeth extra for them today and write a thank you note or say thank you for all that they do as a thankless job.

Also read:  A Dentist's Encounter with Lego - An Invention Story!

Celebrate National dentist day! Why?

  • They help us keep our oral health in a better way.

In case of a severe toothache, dentists render a great service to relieve the pain and help us get along in the daily activities with ease. They take care of our complete oral health by instructing the need for dental hygiene and its importance in our daily life. The overall goal of a dentist is to make us aware of oral hygiene and the importance of oral disease and its prevention; that’s really special about them to be considered and remembered on this day.

  • They help us to be free from fear during the dental procedure.

Many people are really scared to go to the dentist and undergo a dental procedure. The reason is the culture set up, which hinders him/her by going through the assumption of maybe dental procedures are terrible to experience. So, they don’t like to undergo procedures such as root canal treatment, extraction etc. In such scenario, though dentist task is so hard, they calm our fears and make us undergo treatment procedures by explaining and using skills with much compassion, love and grace as much as possible all through the process.

  • They support and help us to put our best face with the smile all the way.

People notice our smile in the first meet and dentists ensure our smiles are confident enough to face the outer world. Dentists mainly help us look good by taking care of cavities through periodical check-up and also encourage us to know about the importance of brushing and flossing our teeth. The overall result is that the dentist helps us to keep our teeth sparkling always for the best purpose.

Also read:  Discover the Future of Dentistry at AEEDC Dubai: The Premier Global Destination for Dental Innovation and Networking



  • Dr. Rashmi B j is a Dental surgeon, practicing in Bangalore from past 9 years, passionate in writing health article of dentistry as well as self - help topics and currently rendering service as a practitioner.

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Dr. Rashmi B j is a Dental surgeon, practicing in Bangalore from past 9 years, passionate in writing health article of dentistry as well as self - help topics and currently rendering service as a practitioner.

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