BioMin makes the frontpage of the latest Global Health & Pharma publication, having proudly earned the ‘Best Dentine Hypersensitivity Relief and Protection Product Manufacturer’ award for the UK
A Nielsen survey reveals the seriousness of the condition of tooth sensitivity in India with over 40 per cent of the respondents claiming to suffer from tooth sensitivity. Also majority of dentists in India agree that incidences of cavities are higher than before.

The main ingredient in Biomin toothspastes is a bioactive particle which not only helps to relieve dentinal hypersensitivity but also aids in strenthening and protection of tooth enamel and does it better than all existing technologies.
This technology not only helps to relieve dentinal hypersensitivity but also aids in strenthening and protection of tooth enamel and does it better than all existing technologies.
BioMin® toothpastes mimic and enhance the way saliva replaces lost mineral on tooth surfaces, providing protection and relief.
On what principle is this advanced BioMin technology based?
BioMin Technologies Limited have developed fine particulate glass materials for inclusion as additives in toothpaste formulation. These bioactive glass materials are a are a group of surface reactive materials that were proposed for use as implant materials in the human body to repair and replace diseased or damaged bone.
These particulate materials in BioMin toothpastes are designed to be small enough to enter and occlude the dentine tubules. Then comes the role of saliva which acts on this occluded particles to break it down while releasing Calcium, Phosphate and Flouride ion to form Fluorapatite (BioMin® F) or an “apatite-like” phase thought to be Octacalcium Phosphate (BioMin® C).These ions are released slowly over a period of 12 hours thus providing long-lasting relief from tooth sensitivity.
“Using remineralising toothpaste makes teeth far more resistant to attack from
acidic soft drinks like fruit juices and sodas. It is also much more effective than
conventional toothpastes where the active ingredients, such as soluble fluoride,
are washed away and become ineffective less than two hours after brushing.” says Professor Robert Hill, Chair of Dental Physical Sciences at Queen
Mary, University of London.
How is it different from other dentine hypersensivity or caries prevention toothpastes?
All other hypersensitivity toothpastes often utilise several thousand parts per million “p.p.m.” of fluoride (from 1,000 to – in some countries – almost 5,000 p.p.m.). BioMin F has a fluoride concentration of only 530 p.p.m. and this concentration is sufficient to promote the growth of fluorapatite crystals on the tooth surfaces.
Although the amount of Flouride ion in the toothpaste is very less, BioMin has an option of Flouride free variant for those who completely wants to eliminate flouride from their oral care regime. BioMin® C has chloride ion in replacement of flouride ion which forms a more reactive glass and develops apatite formation more rapidly, however it does not provide the enhanced acid resistance of BioMin® F since Hydroxyapatite is precipitated onto the tooth surfaces rather than Fluorapatite.
Nothing comes without evidence!
Long term clinical studies shows a statistically significant reduction
in dentinal hypersensitivity at 2 weeks and 8 weeks
respectively, as compared to the baseline.
BioMin F has been revolutionary in supporting patients, especially with erosion, periodontal problems because of its acid resistant properties. Studies have also proven its efficacy in sensitivity caused by Tooth Whitening treatments.
Group Pharmaceuticals brings this revolutionary technology to India!

A new toothpaste, the first product in India to incorporate BioMin™ F as its active
ingredient, is being launched in India by Group Pharmaceuticals marketed as Elsenz.
Elsenz, which puts back the lost minerals from tooth enamel, helps prevent
decay and treat sensitivity while you sleep, will be available in pharmacies
throughout India.
“Using remineralising toothpaste makes teeth far more resistant to attack from
acidic soft drinks like fruit juices and sodas. It is also much more effective than
conventional toothpastes where the active ingredients, such as soluble fluoride,
are washed away and become ineffective less than two hours after brushing,”
“We are absolutely delighted to have partnered with Group Pharmaceuticals in
India,” said BioMin Technologies CEO Richard Whatley.