Immediate laser assisted implants placed in infected bone tissue conditioned with lasers
Professor Dr. Alejandro Steinman

Professor Dr. Alejandro Steinman (Buenos Aires, Argentina) is a specialist in Maxillofacial Dentobuco Prosthesis from the Ministry of Health Argentina, and holds a Mastership of Laser Dental RWTH, Aachen University chapter Argentina / Uruguay. He is an authorized teacher at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina since 20 years and a Laser Safety Officer at the Aachen Dental Laser Center Germany (AALZ). He is also the founding partner the Academy of Laser Dental Iberoamerica (ALDIA) and a private practitioner in Argentina. Prof Steinman is a distinguished Latin American dental leader and independant researcher with a family legacy of dentistry and university teaching for more than 70 years. He is one of the coveted speakers at the DRDCA 2020 International.

Implants & Bone tissue

Bone tissue infected by endodontic or periodontal lesions, often combined, (endo-perio) produce areas of bone resorption of different magnitudes.

Sometimes they go unnoticed by the patient and even our colleagues.

In others, they cause acute processes of pain and inflammation.

But they ALWAYS, ALWAYS generate chronic subclinical inflammatory effects that systemically affect the health of our patient and that hinder or prevent implant solutions.

Good conventional dentistry consists of eliminating the septic focus, disinfecting, and waiting for the regeneration of healthy bone that allows the delayed placement of the implant several months later if sufficient substrate remains.

The hypothesis of our research is about the possibility of the placement of immediate implants under these extreme conditions.

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The method used consists of the elimination of the noxa and the total decontamination of the substrate. It is a process that begins according to conventional methods, then completed with the use of chemical substances potentiated with a Diode Laser, then an Erbium Cr YSGG Laser and the preparation and placement of the implant, bone graft, and membrane if necessary.

This is all done according to Steinman Protocol of Decontamination and Laser Assisted Implants. This guarantees the successful onset of osseointegration phenomena, favored by a systematic laser bio-modulation, making immediate placement possible with predictable postoperative outcomes.

Steinman Protocol of Decontamination and Laser Assisted Implants

Steinman protocol is a step by step decontamination process that stars with:

1. Action of hydrogen peroxide.

2. Combined action of hydrogen peroxide with Diode Laser 660 nm

3. Erbium Crome YSGG Laser applied in the affected bone.

Case Report

Image 1 Typical cyst

Image 2 Combined action of Hydrogen Peroxide  with Diode Laser 660 nm

Image 3 Immediate post extraction

Image 4 Implants, bonegraft, membrane, immediately placed in bone treated with laser. Steinman Protocol.

Image 5 Two months post surgery.

Picture 6 Crowns over the implants three months after extraction.


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