Virus concern as a person who attended Pacific Dental Conference tested positive for COVID-19.

According to Vancouver coastal health, a person attending a conference at Vancouver convention centre tested positive for COVID-19.

The infected person attended the Pacific Dental Conference on March 6 between 2 p.m and 4 p.m, according to VCH. It is the largest dental conference in Western Canada.

According to the statement by VCH, the infected person is currently recovering at home and there is no ongoing risk to the community. The public health officials say that the risks to the participants is extremely low and they have completed the risk assessment.

For precautionary measures, all the participants at the meet are told to monitor themselves for any signs of fever, cough, headache and shortness of breath for next 14 days. and are instructed to call HealthLink BC at 811 for advice if they develop any symptoms.

“As long as participants of the conference remain healthy and do not develop symptoms, there is no need to self-isolate and they should continue with their usual daily activities,” Vancouver Coastal Health said in a statement.

” Individuals that are asymptomatic are not a risk for spreading it to others, when they begin to develop symptoms there, the risk of transmission begins. So that individual would oppose the very low risk to others.” said a VCH medical health officer, John Harding.

Source: Global news


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