National Dentist's Day - 2019

National Dentist Day in India is celebrated on the 24th of December every year in India. Wishing you all a very Happy Dentist Day from Team DentalReach!

Brief History about the National Dentist Day

So, a lot of you must be thinking that the National Dentist Day is celebrated on the 6th of March every year. So, why are we celebrating it today?

This goes back to the year 2016, pretty recently it was decided that National Dentist Day must be celebrated on the Birthday of Dr. Rafiuddin Ahmed.

Dr. Ahmed is the Father of Modern Dentistry in India, this year we are celebrating his 129th birthday, as a part of National Dentist Day celebrations.

Ahmed’s philosophy was: “Education is the responsibility of the State; but if no one is willing to carry the cross, I will, for as long as I can.”

What all WE (as Dentists) should do on National Dentist Day? (for the society)

  1. Organize Dental Education Camps
  2. Promote Education via internet like Social Media, Websites and Messengers
  3. Awareness Campaign with Schools and Colleges
  4. Dental Checkup Camps in your area, locality or in Schools and Colleges
  5. Treating the needy for free.

What all WE (as Dentists) should do on National Dentist Day? (for the Dental Fraternity)

  1. Help each other, by sharing your cases, bottlenecks, hurdles, success, and failures.
  2. Always be ready to Teach and Learn at the same time.
  3. Don’t keep a bad mouth. Don’t talk negatively about how others practices. Everyone here is trying to do justice with their patients.
  4. Be kind to one another.
  5. Keep your mind open to criticism. It builds you. It helps US all GROW.
Also read:  Diabetes and the oral health - World Diabetes Day

A message to the society from the Dental Fraternity

Please, stop being scared of your Dentist. And please make sure to visit your dentist every 4-6 months for your routine oral checkup.

People, a lot of them are in the dilemma that dentists charge way more than they should. All we want to say is, dentists are not there to scam you, dentists are qualified professionals who are there to offer care. And CARE in today’s world is priceless.

Happy Dentists’ Day to all Dentists!


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