- Coronaviridae, a monophyletic cluster in nidovirales, RNA positive stranded enveloped virus.
- Three classes of CoV
- Vertebrate : mammals ( Corona & Toro virus),
- Birds (Corona virus),
- Fish ( Bafiniviruses).
- Measuring approximately from 120-160nm to 400-500microns.
- Corona viruses are the largest RNA viruses identified so far.
- Corona virus a threat to domestic animals & pets.
- Dog = canine corona virus type I & II
- Cat = feline corona virus type I & II
- Cow = bovine corona virus
- Horse = equine corona virus
- Human corona virus exits with types 229E, NL63, OC43 and SARS related corona virus.
- Regarding infectivity: In humans only E protein is identified as a virulent factor of corona family associated with SARS-CoV.
- In humans corona virus targets primarily the epithelial cells of gastro intestinal and respiratory tract. Any pre existing infection in and around these tracts favours corona seeding.
- Studies have shown that Rodent CoV can cause hepatitis with severe neurological infections resulting in paralysis & demyelisation leading to neuropathogesis of humans in multiple sclerosis.
- Human corona viruses like beta corona virus ( HCoV-OC43) & alpha corona virus (HCoV-229E) isolated from common cold cases in humans

- Corona virus is large in size, thus any mask prevents its entry so there is no need to use pharmacists to trade muzzles.
- The virus does not settle in the air but is grounded, still gets transmitted by the air.
- Coronavirus when it falls on a metal surface, it will live 12 hours, so washing hands with soap and water well enough.
- Corona virus when it falls on the fabric remains 9 hours, so washing clothes or being exposed to the sun for two hours meets the purpose of killing it.
- The virus lives on the hands for 10 minutes, so putting an alcohol sterilizer in the pocket meets the purpose of prevention.
- And stay away from ice cream and eating cold is important.
- Gargle with warm and salt water kills the tonsils’ germs and prevents them from leaking into the lungs.
- Adherence to these instructions fulfills the purpose of preventing viruses.
- Get the best information about corona virus please call +91 1123978046 helpline (24/7) for corona virus information.
Thanks for the awareness initiative