Although 2020 provokes unpleasant memories in our mind regarding Covid-19 and lock down, there have been a few positive effects too. Owing to the traveling restrictions all the dental events and conferences were held virtually.

This led to dentists earning valuable pearls of knowledge through online continuing dental education platforms, in numbers far more than seen in usual physical conferences.
The credit points acquired by the dentists this year are probably more than all the previous years combined! There was relatively more free time available due to operating restrictions to focus on learning. Owing to the convenience and ease of access that it offers, it seems that dentists are more likely to favor online education even after the pandemic settles down.
We, at DentalReach took this opportunity to provide the dental fraternity with exclusive dental education resources through our digital dental platform. Our aim was to create a universal digital education platform which is easily accessible to dentists of any locality at the comfort of their own place.

We organized the DentalReach-DentalDivas (DRDD) Digital Summit 2020 – the first live, digital dental conference consisting exclusively of women speakers, from 5th May to 14th May 2020. It was a 10 day long bonanza starring 10 women stalwarts of dentistry speaking on various topics in dentistry.

It was an extravagant summit covering variety of topics by renowned keynote speakers from ergonomics to dental anesthesia, and from regenerative techniques to dental photography.It turned out to be one of a kind 10 days learning experience, with a phenomenal response from all our viewers, both men and women!!

We also organized DentalReach Digital Cental Conference and Awards (DRDCA) 2020 from 1st November to 30th November,2020 which literally created history in the dental world. It was the one and only 1 month long Digital Dental Conference with scientific sessions, fun contests and the 1st Annual DRDCA Award night. It was the first time that the world witnessed a conference that was:
- Purely digital
- Purely dental
- One month long
- Scientific Sessions + Contests + Awards at one event
- In real time (no recorded lectures, only live)
- Approved by apex national body (IDA) and state dental council (Karnataka SDC)
- Virtual Lucky draw contest with prizes worth 2 Lacs INR
- Largest engagement team and conference partners of dentists for a virtual dental event (60+)
- Largest number of contests at a digital dental conference (15)
- Largest jury for a digital dental award show (25 Judges) and
- 45 CDE points!
The event was concluded by a Live DJ performance. It was a month full of excitement and knowledge and the response was commendable. A major advantage of both these conference was that it was attended by thousands of dentists globally from the comfort of their home – at no registration fees.
Besides these 2 conferences, we organised the DentalReach Webinar Series throughout the year, focusing on one speaker’s lecture or effervescent panel discussions with a detailed and live Q n A session, which is the forte of all scientific actives at DentalReach.
Dentists round the globe showed an increased interest in receiving training and education without having to leave their practices. The grand success of these online conferences and other numerous webinars hosted by DentalReach proved that virtual events are a better option in today’s digitalized world, even after the end of this pandemic.
‘Learning is a lifetime process’ is what we believe at DentalReach and we will continue to bring various online conferences and shows to build a better dental community.
Looking forward for all your love and support!