Employee Recognition: How to Appreciate Your Staff!

Employees form a unique part of our working system – they are sometimes the framework you can rest on and sometimes the safety net you can rely on! Salaries award them for the work they do, but it requires more than a monthly salary to reward them for the service they provide.

Employee recognition can be done with meaningful ways by showing appreciation and and thanking employees with gifts, branded material gadgets or items, and/ or gift baskets.

Here are a few things that can be done –

1) Employee perks :

It is the best incentive for their dedication and hard work. During the holiday season, here are some of the perks you can offer your employees –

  • Working in shifts
  • Additional holidays
  • Dressing in a casual/ festive way
  • Investing by giving a holiday bonus or
  • An office party.

2) Dinner parties with the team :

In the case of a small team, appreciation can be shown by organizing small food treats which also creates opportunites for the team to bond. After working hours or during lunch breaks, consider taking the whole team to a good restaurant or at your own house for enjoying food in a relaxed way. You may also add a personal touch and cook meals for them yourself! They will definitely feel touched by this gesture and realize that you appreciate their hard work. .

3) Giving away gifts :

You can give away small gifts as a token of recognition for their hard work. On a daily basis, one knows a lot about the emaployees Take time out and get to know the personal likes and dislikes of your employees. This will help you in getting gifts which they will love and appreciate! .

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eg: In case of an employee who is addicted to chocolate, gifting him/her a basket filled with thier favorite sweet treats will make them more happy than a coffee mug or flowers. or an employee who is very concerned about health and fitness will happily accept packets of health drinks and energy bars.

4) Personal note by giving 'Thank you' cards :

Nothing can replace a handwritten personal note to each employee mentioning about their accomplishment during the year and expressing gratitude for the rendered hard work to achieving the goal.

5) Work – life balance :

In today's times, many employees struggle towards achieving a work – life balance. To create an opportunity to achieve a perfect balance, you can offer to sponsor a trip with their family or a travelling package to a nearby tourist place in order for them to rejuvenate with their family. It will refresh them with a new zest to work for the company and improve their productivity.

The overall effort of the company head is to provide a great opportunity to overall growth in employee's life so that it helps them to serve to the company with their best ability and remain in the company serving for long term.


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