
Hepatitis B is a DNA virus with double-stranded, which is a species of genus orthohepadnavirus and a member of family viruses known as Hepadnavirus. The world health organisation has estimated that nearly 325 million people are suffering and living with chronic hepatitis B or C virus infection (HBV, HCV). Those patients are facing high challenges as they don’t have an easy access to testing and an appropriate treatment. Nearly 1.34 million deaths are caused due to viral hepatitis and it is the comparatively same number as TB but greater than immunodeficiency virus. Though result has been found that hepatitis death is rising and nearly 96% hepatitis mortality is caused by HBV and HCV. Nearly 257 million people affected by HBV and it is also observed that it is spread from mother to child at birth. WHO reported that nearly 84 per cent of children received an HBV vaccine and about 3 recommended doses to reduce new infection. In healthcare professionals, HCV is typically spread through a route of unsafe injections and also via injecting drug use. HCV can be cured by direct-acting antiviral drugs with a short relative time since there is no vaccine.

Implications for dentist and clinical staffs

During training, most dentists and clinical staffs are considered to be vaccinated and tested through response by conforming to primary course. A routine booster benefit for vaccination to known responders are small and it can be deferred until the year-end, whereas in case of trainees it is yet not received. During ongoing period of temporary recommendation, a group of staffs is considered to be poorly less for vaccination.

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Responsibilities of health care practitioner

The responsibility of health care practitioner includes reporting their infection status. Procedures and control policies are based upon disciplinary action in order to follow infection prevention failure. Healthcare workers with infection seek medical care from some qualified doctors in order to manage the condition.

They must be aware of the requirement for immunisation against infectious disease and also maintain records of personal immunisation health care worker in case of specific circumstances may be susceptible particularly to certain infections and also must work with occupational health must ensure their safety.

Symptoms of HBV

Hepatitis B virus infection is ranging from mild to severe. They usually appear after been infected for about one to four months. A post infection is witnessed in the early two weeks and young children may not have any symptoms. In certain cases, symptoms such as abdominal pain, joint pain, fever, weakness and fatigue with nausea and vomiting is witnessed. The individuals exposed to hepatitis B immediately consult a doctor which is important and also helps in undergoing for better health. A preventive treatment helps to reduce the risk of infection and receive treatment within 24 hours of exposure to a virus.

Prevention method of HBV

In order to prevent hepatitis b virus, a vaccine is given in a series of 3 to 4 doses. One must ensure that children, babies, teenagers adults should get vaccinated for their better health.

Newborn babies must be vaccinated at the age of 6 months nearly 3 shots and the infant must undergo.

The person who is having hepatitis along with the healthcare workers living must undergo vaccination.

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Mothers who gave birth to infants with acute hepatitis B or who had the infection in the past must get the hepatitis b vaccine within a span of 12 hours of birth.

Never share a toothbrush, razors, nail clippers with an infected person. Make sure that pregnant woman must get tested for this virus and also blood used for transfusion must be screened for hepatitis.

It is safe to wear latex or plastic gloves while cleaning contaminated instruments which is blood tinged.

Most of the infected adults are able to fight off this virus so that infection is cured. The liver has the potential to heal itself, but an inflammation caused by HBV results in permanent damage.

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