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Dental practice is growing at an exponentially, as is the competition between clinics. The advantage of creating a competitive edge is very difficult in the current market trend. A major factor to be considered is phenomenal customer service and is one of the best ways to create a competitive advantage in the field of dentistry. As it progresses dental practice must focus on reaching the target audience and fulfilling the demands by rendering always great service. The best policy in dental practice marketing needs a strong online presence by taking advantage of current trends and reap full benefits for the service with care delivered.

Few ideas to maintain a competitive edge in the dental practice

  • Set clear prioritised goals: Goals must be broken down into small specific steps. The major drawback in most practices is a hectic schedule, lot of distractions and a lack of focus. The intense focus helps to beat the competition and achieve goals easier.
  • Rendering excellent service to customers: Most of the time unhappy and dissatisfied patients complain they just never return to your practice. If dentists do not provide excellent service to their patients, patients will tell their family and friends. It creates a negative ripple effect in dentist’s reputation. Warm and welcoming employees help a patient feel connected and generates positive reviews.
  • Ensure accessibility to patients: Majority of the patients feel neglected if your assistant does check up on them. Maximum patient satisfaction can be achieved by personal dental check-up. Your presence sends out signals as you are interested in the well-being of your patients and then make yourself available for phone calls. Patients should find you reachable and approachable to contact you in case of emergency.
  • Give discount offers for your service: Whenever your patient undergoes a treatment, offer them discount and this will keep your patients engaged for more services. Engaging your patients will demonstrate quality services at discount offers.
  • Develop a patient-doctor relationship: Success of  a dental practice depends on patient-doctor relationship. Connecting with your patients converts new patients to loyal ones. Patients do not just look for treatment options but also for quality services. Most patients seek attention, respect, compassion, care, empathy and warmth with excellent service offered so that they can return home with assurance and reassurance regarding their oral health.
Also read:  Obesity and Dental Caries in Children: Markers and indicators for Future Non-Communicable Diseases


  • Dr. Rashmi B j is a Dental surgeon, practicing in Bangalore from past 9 years, passionate in writing health article of dentistry as well as self - help topics and currently rendering service as a practitioner.

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Dr. Rashmi B j is a Dental surgeon, practicing in Bangalore from past 9 years, passionate in writing health article of dentistry as well as self - help topics and currently rendering service as a practitioner.

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