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Is your patient missing on a gratifying emergence profile despite your skilful efforts? Is there an aesthetic failure due to receded gingiva even after delivering a faultless prosthesis?

The answer to this failure might be the ignorance towards “The pink Component” which comprises:

1. Marginal Gingiva

2. Interdental Papilla

Most of the dental procedures aim to reconstruct the white entity of a dental restoration i.e. teeth, resulting in an aesthetic failure in patients with unsightly “Black Triangles”.

dentistrytoday Fig. 1 – The marked areas show areas of “Black Triangles”

The fallout of this condition may result in one of the following

  1. Difficulty in maintaining oral hygiene
  2. Altered consonant sound production
  3. Unaesthetic appearance of a flawless prosthesis
  4. Negative influence on the outline of the interdental soft tissues
  5. Further periodontal disease manifestations

Therefore, it is undisputed to restore these spaces in order to facilitate better periodontal health and hygiene.

What whips up your pink component?


There are two approaches to manage recession of gingiva depending upon the severity.dentistrytoday

In class III and IV gingival recession, mucogingival surgery is not usually preferred due to its failure to provide optimal aesthetic outcome and may even cause reoccurrence in some cases. Therefore, the preferred option is to make use of the artificial substitutes.

Also read:  The ‘zero bone loss’ concept in implant dentistry

Party gums – an alternative to invasive surgical procedures

“Party Gums” is a thin, flexible, silicone or acrylic strip/prosthesis simulating natural gum colour used to mask the anterior defects hampering the aesthetics in a dentition thereby re-establishing the contour of gingiva. It can be fixed or removable and can be made of various materials such as self-cure and heat-cure acrylics, composites, silicone and thermoplastic materials.

Keywords: Flange Prosthesis, Black Triangles, Artificial Gums, Party Gums, Gingival Replacement, Gingival Epithesis, Gingival Veneer, Gingival Mask, Aesthetics.

Party Gumsdentistrytoday

  1. This type of prosthesis is retained with the help of the capillary action of saliva, support of lips and surrounding soft tissues along with the mechanical retention achieved by the extension of the epithesis in the buccal embrasures.Indications
    • To fill the unaesthetic gap between soft tissue and teeth
    • To restore the large black triangular spaces
    • To improve the length of the clinical crown by concealing the exposed root surface
    • As an interim prosthesis after periodontal therapy for healing.
    • To provide intra-oral bulk in patients who lack lip and cheek  support
    • To mask the exposed margins of A crown or implant-supported prosthesis


    • Poor periodontal status
    • Increased carious activity
    • Smoking
    • Lack of maintenance of oral hygiene
    • Allergy to acrylic or silicone (used to make prosthesis)

    Easy to make, Easy to place – Fabrication technique

    • Mold wax sheet and place it on the palatal aspect extending only into the palatal embrasures of the teeth that acts as a barrier thereby preventing the flow of the impression material. Also, ensure that it doesnot cover the entire interdental space but cover enough to provide additional retention and prevent lisping.
    • Impression is made using an irreverible hydrocolloid material and carefully retrieved with inter-dental tags (as much as possible) after it is set (as per the manufacturer instructions)
    • A cast is obtained and a wax up is done on it which is then cured in an usual manner as a conventional denture followed by finishing and polishing.
    • Other materials that can be used for it’s fabrication are – cold cure or heat cure acrylics, thermoplastic  or comppsite resins, silicone based materials (Valplast, Cosmesil M51, Gingivamoll),  porcelain etc.
    • The fit of the final prosthesis is then evaluated in the patient’s mouth and the necessary changes are made before it is delivered.
    • Post operative instructions:
    1. Clean the prosthesis after every meal with a soft brush using a mild detergent.
    2. Prostheis should be kept in water at night to prevent warpage.
    3. Smoking excessive consumption of tea or coffee is not recommended.

    Regular follow up should done for evaluating the maintenance of the same.


    • Economical
    • Easy fabrication and fit
    • Comfortable to the patient


    • Discolouration and dimensional changes seen with time
    • Requires proper cleaning/maintenance and should be removed during night

    With minimum efforts and at no additional cost, this technique can be employed for eliminating “Black Triangles” which in turn provides psychological satisfaction not only to the patient but also to the dentist as a result of an aesthetic outcome and acceptance of the treatment by the patient.


    1. Greene PR. The flexible gingival mask: An esthetic solution in periodontal practice. Br Dent J 1998;184:536-40.
    2. Botha PJ, Gluckman HL. The gingival prosthesis — A literature review. SADJ 1999;54:288-90.
    3. Barzilay I, Irene T. Gingival prosthesis — A review. J Can Dent Assoc 2003;69:74-8.
    4. Antony V , Khan R. Gingival mask-restoring the lost smile. IOSR-JDM) 2013;5(3):20-22.
    5. Shenava A. Gingival mask: A case report on enhancing smiles. J Oral Res Rev 2014;6:68-70.
    6. Debnath N, Gupta R, Nongthombam RS, Chandran P. Acrylic gingival veneer prosthesis: A case report. J Med Soc 2016;30:121-3.
    7. Keyf F. Gingival epithesis in periodontally compromised patient for esthetic solution. SRM J Res Dent Sci 2016;7:255-8.
Also read:  How can smoking influence my patient’s oral wellbeing?

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DISCLAIMER : “Views expressed above are the author’s own.”



Dr. Rupal jhanji has done BDS, MDS (PROSTHODONTICS) and is a content writer as well. She is currently practicing at Chandigarh.

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    1. Can i get ne videos of this party gum procedure?

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