Smiles Still Seem Miles Away For Karnataka's Dentists

While the lockdown has been extended till 3rd May 2020 across India, dental clinics are given no relaxation to function even in this extended lockdown period.

As there was a request from the dentists all over the state of Karnataka, Medical education minister, Dr. K Sudahakar passed a statement saying “ There is a request, and also pressure from dentists across the state, but we have not yet taken a decision, as reopening dental clinics is risky for dentists themselves.”

He further added that the matter was under discussion and he would take a decision after talking to the chief minister.

As dentists were among the highest risk professionals in this coronavirus pandemic, dental clinics have been closed since more than 20 days considering the safety of those who are in the profession.

Some dentists suggested that the government can allow dental clinics to function by making it compulsory for doctors to wear face shields.

At the video conference held by Dr. Sudhakar with the doctors association and specialists on Monday, the major issue of concern was lack of personal protective equipments.

He assured of resolving the issue in two to three days. “ We have ordered 3 lakh units of PPEs which are of international standards and will be supplied in a day or two.”

The minister clarified that everyone should understand who should be using these PPEs. "Every country is facing shortage of PPEs. In such a situation, those who are in direct contact with Covid-19 patients and symptomatic persons should use them on priority basis," he said.


There will not be relaxation for anybody from duty and healthcare professionals from private sector too must chip in, the minister said. Answering a doctor's question, he said, "The insurance of Rs 50 lakh announced for healthcare professionals on Covid-19 duty will include those from both government and private sectors."

Also read:  Study Reveals Rotary Cutting Instruments as Single-Use: Processing Ineffective, Raises Concerns for Patient Safety



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