Time for an entertaining challenge ????

Tickle your brain to solve the dentistry crossword in our latest edition.
All words are taken from the current articles of this month so KEEP CALM AND READ CAREFULLY!

Rules for solving crossword:

1. First read all the clues carefully. All the words are related to dentistry.

2. First attempt those clues which you are sure about. It will make guessing the other clues easier.

3. To answer the crossword from your mobile, click on the box with the respective clue number.

4. You will be automatically notified whether your answer is correct or not.
Correct answer will turn green and wrong answer will turn red.

5. After you complete the whole crossword correctly, screenshot it and mail it to rockson@dentalreach.co

6. The top 3 mailed entries will be featured in the next edition of our magazine.

[game-crossword id=”10838″ ]


Also read:  Crossword puzzle - March
Made with ❤ for Dentists by Dentists!

Dental Negligence – A Double Edged Sword (Part 1)

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A twinkle and a smile for bright futures – Children’s day dental camp

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