Dentistry – A Canvas For Feminism

Editorial for DentalReach March 2021 Issue

While most professions are struggling with equality, pay parity and workplace harassment of women, dentistry seems to be quite an equal playground for women. All colleges have female staff in every department, and a huge number of women take a lead and set up their own private dental practice.

Women are definitely painting a pretty picture of dentistry!

An interesting study assessed patient perception toward male and female dentists, whether gender stereotyping of dentists offering dental treatment played a role. More than half of patients (62.2%) stated that if they had to choose, they would not choose a dentist based on gender, but instead on experience or relatability. 1 A majority of patients stated that in terms of commitment to their professions, both male and female dentists were equally committed. Patients were less judgmental about women and their careers; which shows that women are being seen more than just home-makers.

Another study showed that a majority of patients felt more relaxed when they were being treated by a female dentist. This could be due to the fact that female dentists take the time to get to know their patients before starting treatment. 2 A popular study by Roter and Hall stated that visits with female physicians on an average, are 10% longer than with male physicians, as they may branch out from the standard line of questioning that’s conducted during history taking, because of which, patients themselves reveal more information. 3

A study done in Maryland 4 suggested that patients perceived male dentists as having more confidence while working. Males gave the impression of being in charge, which may have been misinterpreted as ‘over confidence’ in females.

Also read:  7 Possible Solutions to Challenges Faced by Women Dentists

This Woman’s Day, let us understand that feminism means equal opportunity for both genders and not supremacy of females over males. Let us also appreciate the ardous journey undertaken by women and women achievers on the Indian dental field.

Team DentalReach is proud to announce its second annual conference dedicated to powerful women speakers: the DentalReach- Dental Divas (DRDD) Digital Summit 2021, which would be held mid-year virtually in the coming few months. Be ready to learn on the go (whether you are a male or female!) and do register soon when registrations open!

We have been growing over the past year and now, DentalReach is exhilarated to welcome our extended family, the DR Brand Ambassadors! Warmest welcome and regards to:

  • Dr Sonal Yerpude
  • Dr Ketaki Pawar Chavan
  • Dr Sneha Lele Divekar
  • Dr Madhulika Banerjee and
  • Dr Alisha Madan.

If you wish to apply to be a DR Brand Ambassador (again, whether you are a male or female!), please click on this link :

Read on and send me a shout on any of my social media pages for suggestions, criticism and feedback!

Editor Contact Details –


  1. Ibrahim HM, Awooda EM. Comparison of patients perception of dental care offered by male or female dentist: Cross-sectional hospital based study. Eur J Gen Dent 2015;4:117-20
  2. Bare LC, Dundes L. Strategies for combating dental anxiety. J Dent Educ 2004;68:1172-7.
  3. Roter DL, Hall JA. How physician gender shapes the communication and evaluation of medical care. Mayo Clin Proc 2001;76:673-6.
  4. Smith MK, Dundes L. The implications of gender stereotypes for the dentist-patient relationship. J Dent Educ 2008;72:562-70.
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