DRDCA Sports Dentistry Edition – A Letter of Gratitude For This Unique Concept! cover

(Dr Sneha Divekar was the Scientific Chairperson for DRDCA 2022 Sports Dentistry Conference. She is also Faculty – Diploma in Sports Dentistry, ISST and Dental Reach Brand Ambassador [Maharashtra])

Sports dentistry is a new and upcoming topic in dentistry which includes

  1. Oral care of athletes
  2. Injury protection with the use of mouthguards
  3. Dento-facial injury management.

Since sports participation in the country is on a rapid rise with our athletes winning medals at various International level events, the chances of injuries to the oral structures increases multi-fold and that is why, more than ever, it’s important to sensitize the dentist regarding various aspects of sports dental care.

Having started a course on sports dentistry in July 2018 and understanding the importance of the topic myself, it was my burning desire since a long time to conduct a conference on sports dentistry. And I felt that for better reach to a wider audience cutting all the physical barriers, an online conference with DentalReach would serve the purpose.

When I expressed my desire to Dr Rockson Samuel (Founder, DentalReach), he immediately liked the concept and decided to work upon it. Since the event was slated to occur in the calendar year of 2022, and not with much time left for the year to end, Dr. Rockson immediately got his able team to start working on this. We formed a WhatsApp group and all of us core team members, staying in different parts of the country, started working on the entire planning and execution of the conference.

Dr Rockson Samuel, Dr Nupur Shrirao (Editor, DentalReach) and the entire team have taken outstanding efforts in

  • planning out the conference
  • making tentative to final list of the speakers
  • meticulous charting out of the schedule of the program
  • amazing logos
  • catchy videos
  • cool brochures
  • taking trials of all the speakers for their unique online platform and
  • co-ordinating with all the speakers.
Also read:  National Dentist Day: 24th December, 2018

At the end of the conference, we have had some amazing feedbacks from the participants. The leader-board point system turned out to be an amazing concept which increased the participant’s activeness multifold.

Dr Zainab Rangwala (Media Head, DentalReach) took lot of efforts for registrations and sponsors, Dr Nupur Shrirao worked tirelessly for all the articles for the November & December conference special magazine issues and Dr Rockson Samuel patiently kept updating the brochure as per whatever minute feedbacks we gave him for almost a month till it was perfect. He saw to it that the online platform operated smoothly and worked to solve all the glitches.

All in all, I will say that DentalReach is truly an expert for online conferences and my heartfelt thanks to them for help making my dream come true! We were successful in sensitizing many dentists about sports dentistry, the message has reached far and wide, and hence many have congratulated us for taking this unique initiative of making awareness about this much needed upcoming field.

Thus, it has been a satisfying and fulfilling experience for all of us and worth all the efforts and sleepless nights that we all as a team have put in for this – inspite of our other professional and personal commitments!!

DentalReach has truly helped to reach to many dentists far and wide globally and I wish them a great future and hope to remain associated with them for many such great events!!

Also read:  Life savior award for the year 2021-22


  • Dr Sneha Divekar, Faculty (Diploma in Sports Dentistry, ISST,Pune) is also a Sports Dentist at High Performance Centre, Vmax, Pune and a dental private practitioner.

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Dr Sneha Divekar, Faculty (Diploma in Sports Dentistry, ISST,Pune) is also a Sports Dentist at High Performance Centre, Vmax, Pune and a dental private practitioner.

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