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Midway through this month, 72 years ago, India attained freedom for herself. Freedom essentially means having the choice to do as one pleases. While on the surface this seems like a basic right, is it wise to use an abundance of freedom carelessly? Especially in healthcare, it can have two different faces. On one hand, the Govt. has ensured the poor, freedom to get treatment through the Ayushman Bharat Yojna. On the other hand, the Govt. has ensured the non-MBBS medicos to give treatment through the NMC Bill.

How much freedom is too much freedom? Should freedom be substantiated with evidence, logic, experience?

Freedom to practice dentistry substantiated with Evidence –

Conventionally, we use standard length implants and perform procedures to work around them in resorbed ridges, like sinus lifting, bone grafting, ridge splitting, & nerve repositioning. Evidence suggests that these invasive procedures can be avoided by simply using short implants with a wider diameter.

Conventionally, we use retentive clasps or adhesives in partial/complete dentures and retentive grooves, boxes, vents or attachments in fixed prosthesis to aid retention. Evidence suggest that mini dental implants can be used to retain these prostheses in selected patients.

Freedom to practice dentistry substantiated with Logic –

Managing a dental practice well is fairly important for the practice to be successful. It includes not only the basic value of providing an ethically sound, long term treatment to the patient but also many other logical pointers are to be kept in mind if you want your practice to grow multi fold in productivity and remain productive.

Also read:  The Journey of Women in Dentistry

Treatment protocols are designed according to not only the patient’s symptoms but also a logical visualization of problem areas through radiography. Besides IOPAs and OPGs, maxillofacial imaging has expanded to scintigraphy, arthroscopy and T-scans which can be advantageously used freely with the knowledge of their specific indications.

Freedom to practice dentistry substantiated with Experience?

Case reports are a detailed explanation of an expert’s experience of a treatment modality. A tight lingual frenum may cause breastfeeding difficulties, speech disorders, poor oral hygiene and bullying during childhood and adolescence. This month, we present a case of lingual frenectomy of a 6 year old child using lasers.

It is so easy for people to say ‘You are a dentist, you must be minting money!’ ,  but only a dentist can tell you how true that statement really is and what the plight of dentistry actually looks like, based on his/her own experiences. We’ve curated a list of existing problems and possible solutions

DentalReach had the opportunity to interview an eminent  dentist, Prof. Dr. Girish Giraddi, Dean & Director of Govt. Dental College (GDC), Bangalore. Dr. Giraddi has an academic experience of more than 20 years and his work has been quoted in international textbooks of oral and maxillofacial surgery. He is a past member of the Academic Council and the Faculty of Dental Studies in Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) and the past Chairman of UG Dental Board of Studies in the same university. He has actively worked for the Dental Council of India (DCI) as an institute observer and for BDS and MDS syllabus revision. We will be releasing the entire footage of some very hard hitting questions soon!

Also read:  Stress-Free Dentistry Using ‘the 2P’s Principle’

We hope you enjoy the freedom our democracy provides by using it and not abusing it. Consider yourself free to treat with the various modalities available as long as they are backed by substantial evidence, logic and experience!

Highlights of our Monthly Editorial


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Mini implants in FPD and RPD

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