Rural Healthcare Training Centres: Levelling the Field

Of all the professions, healthcare is considered to be most noble in the world. All professions under the umbrella of health have one common purpose and aim: to serve the whole world and keep it healthy. Universally, health is now defined as a state of complete well being of a person, physically, mentally and socially and not merely the absence of a disease. Unlike other professions, healthcare demands higher ethics, serving nature and selflessness as the interacting body on the other side is a living body and not inanimate. Hence the hindrances and dilemmas of this profession are more significant, but again the whole emphasis and basis of this profession is in managing the odds.

Our society is economically divided into two major groups

  1. A group which lies above a good pay margin, it can afford the significant charges for ideal treatment plans and are entitled to have a significant desire towards the treatment hospitality and
  2. The other group which prefers symptomatic relief instead of ideal treatments as it lies below a reasonable socio-economic group that earns only a minimal for survival.

The same economic concept when classified based on topography, it is classified as

  • Urban and
  • Rural

The urban is a mixture of high and middle income, the rural areas includes villages and small towns where the socio-economic group is reasonable to low. When it comes to rural areas it is more important to observe that people here have a secondary priority towards health.

For such rural areas, an innovative idea has been established termed as “Rural Healthcare Training Centres or RHTCs”

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What exactly is an RHTC?

An RHTC is a where candidates, professionals and health experts join together to serve the rural community who are below socio-economic group. These centres are either funded by a particular trust or by the government to reach out to the neglected or marginalised public. The professionals here are from various backgrounds such as medical, dental, nursing, physiotherapists, pharmacists etc. as per executive laws related to healthcare. Every district which has a rural health care centre works towards serving the rural people with low socio-economic status and those who are below poverty line either with a small charge of fee or no fees.

What is the role of a dentist at RHTC?

As dentists, RHTCs attract our attention. In India, most of the dental problems are seen in the rural areas, where dental hygiene is the least priority. The commonly found problems are fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia, dental caries, grade III staining, sensitivity, abrasions, attrition and also an alarming rise in the incidence of oral cancer. As a dental practitioner, it is a demand of our profession that awareness be spread about maintenance of oral hygiene and prevention of dental problems. The maximum help comes by clearing of commonly practised myths and misconceptions, and as simple as rectification of brushing techniques. A dentist is well versed in the importance of habit counselling which helps prevent and reduce as much as 99 percent of oral cancer cases. Spreading awareness about newly launched and implemented medical policies and health talks on dental issues and their management is also a vital role played by a dentist.

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The role of other health professionals

Other health professionals such as medical professionals, pharmacists, nurses also play a vital role in the introduction of health-related policies and awareness of health and body hygiene. Medical professionals spread awareness concerning maternal and neonatal health, health maintenance by maintaining sanitation, family planning, etc. A significant role of pharmacists and pharma related companies is played by distribution of required emergency drugs and medicines which aid in saving lives without profit being an objective.

The role of RHTCs as a whole

  • Spreading awareness about newly launched programs related to healthcare and social living
  • Provision of treatment towards health-related issues at an affordable rate
  • Teach society about selfless serving of healthcare and humanity
  • Conduct surveys and file reports related to health awareness and epidemiology
  • Be the source of affordability of medicines and treatments toward the less privileged

Status of RHTCs in India

It is very sad to say that in our country, many RHTCs are neglected; with the profession inclining towards demand of money, rural folk are deprived of their right to health. A lot of RHTCs are in a dilapidated state with no proper professional available and with no functionality of its proposed aims. It is observed that rural people are least aware of health-related programs, by extension, this unawareness becomes a result of corruption in the society.


In the year 2018, WHO celebrated World Health Day with the motto ‘health for all’. It was not only considered for health-related professionals, but the theme was based on Universal Health Coverage. The right to health is available for all the citizens and all the socio-economic groups irrespective of their status in the economy but in developing countries it is very sad that we loose lives over money and irresponsibility of witnessing rural health is predominant. RHTCs act as a potential finance and healthcare provider for many below poverty line groups and in future may also act as a significant weapon in eradication of poverty and malnutrition which is still prevailing at many regions.

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