Georgia, United States: In a spine-tingling exploration, urban adventurer Leland Kent, widely known as Abandoned Southeast, has unveiled an abandoned dental surgery frozen in decay in the heart of Georgia, US. The once-vibrant practice, now a time capsule of abandonment, tells a haunting tale of its occupants fleeing from a natural disaster two decades ago.

The dental office has remained abandoned since the owners ‘locked the door and never returned’ 20 years ago Credit: mediadrumimages

Abandoned Remnants Frozen in Time:

Locked doors have preserved the decaying remnants of this dental surgery, left undisturbed for a staggering 20 years. The interior is now draped in layers of dust and cobwebs, showcasing an eerie display of casts from clients’ mouths – a disconcerting scene where missing teeth rest beside a rusted set of pliers.

A Chronicle of Desertion:

This dental hub, once at the center of a rural community, succumbed to the forces of nature as flooding inundated the premises, leaving it submerged in inches of water. The occupants made a hasty exit, leaving the establishment untouched and locked, a silent witness to its own demise.

Water marks around the walls are a memory of how high the flooding was Credit: mediadrumimages

Surreal Discoveries Unveiled:

Leland Kent bravely ventured into the dilapidated practice, capturing the surreal atmosphere within. The sagging carpets and weakened floors, remnants of the devastating flood, evoke a sense of abandonment, as if the occupants vanished without a trace.

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Memories Preserved Amidst Decay:

Photographs taken within the premises reveal poignant traces of the past – forgotten toothbrushes, remnants of mouthwash, and stickers for children who once embraced good oral hygiene. The abandoned dentistry stands as a silent testament to a bygone era, frozen in a state of neglect.

Vintage Marvels of a Bygone Era:

Amongst the decay, a collection of antique dental machinery catches the eye, including vintage chairs and an X-ray machine. These relics stand as silent witnesses to the practice’s former glory, a nostalgic nod to the era when small family-owned businesses thrived.

Leland Kent’s Perspective:

Reflecting on his exploration, Leland Kent expresses surprise at the enduring presence of vintage dental chairs and equipment. He highlights the fascination of uncovering remnants from once-vibrant family-owned businesses, now frozen in time.


As the abandoned dental surgery continues to crumble, it remains a poignant reminder of a community hub lost to the forces of nature. A chilling testament to the impermanence of even the most steadfast institutions, frozen in a perpetual state of abandonment. Stay tuned for more updates on this haunting exploration.


Dr Rockson BDS, PgDM, DBM (Germany) & Awarded Content Marketeer of the year 2020 & Love telling story for brands.

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