It seems that the mega break gifted to us via the lockdown is coming to an end as most dental professionals are now resuming practice and re-opening their dental offices. Just like BC and AD, we now have a new time line for dentistry – Pre COVID and Post COVID! What will Post COVID dentistry practically be like?

This month we have published a 3-article series briefing you about exactly that – written by authors from the East, the West and the Centre – truly global guidelines for Post COVID dentistry!

Post COVID – Dentistry Series –

  1. Dr Anissa Holmes is a dentist, business acceleration coach, and a best- selling author from Jamaica. She has written on designing safety protocols and prevention practices for the clinic.
  • Dr Syed Raheel  is an ex – assistant professor in Oral Medicine, Alfarabi Dental College, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He has given pointers on how to prepare your dental office along with Dr Saadath Afzaa.
  • Lastly, Dr Archana Singh is a post graduate trainee in Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry from India and has briefly described determining the future of the practice and investment required.

Some pertinent questions on my mind …

From all fields of dentistry, probably the one to suffer the most is Prosthodontics. Strict avoidance of aerosol producing procedures means strict avoidance of basic prosthetic dentistry, be it tooth preparation or impression making. Digital workflow in prosthodontics has been a potential answer to this, especially in the current care-for-your-environment scenario. Can it really serve as a saving grace?

Also read:  Teach & Reach

Life in Lockdown has taught us how fragile life is. We’ve all prided ourselves in being the top species on the planet, and a mere microbe, invisible to the naked eye has brought us all to our knees! Does this stage have something more to say to us?

            Every post graduate dental student has his/her share of bitter experiences of their PG journey. Personally, the first half of my PG tenure was horrible, terrible and miserable – to say the least. Post-graduation is a life changing experience, a crash course on life – if you don’t learn well, you crash! Have you ever thought about the real journey of your consultant specialist? No-one readily talks in detail about their PG life –  that vulnerable stage where your graduate friends are earning and settling down while you’re still studying and labouring your youth away. That is why this hard hitting story on the life of a dental PG student is the Editor’s Pick of the month – it is a story most MDS consultants will identify with.

            We have launched DR 2-Minute Podcasts this month. It is your audio message on dentistry, for dentistry. New podcasts will regularly be uploaded to all our social media channels. The best part is that we are not language specific – the podcast can be in any language of the podcaster’s comfort. If you have something to say, you can send in your audio message of 2 minute duration on a clinical tip or an interesting article abstract or a product/instrument review to us.  It’s simple – select a topic, record and share! Send me your audio messages on nupur@dentalreach.co.

Also read:  Diagnosing domestic violence based on head & neck trauma: Dentists’ role

            Whenever you think you are ready to resume practice again, we wish you a safe re-entry into the dental world!

Highlights of our Monthly Editorial


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Post COVID dentistry: Future & Investment

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