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It’s spring season – the tender intermediate following cold winters and preceding hot summers. As Christina Rossetti famously said – ‘Spring is when life’s alive in everything!’ Now that we are warming up to seeing flowers around us blooming, let’s also mine our minds – dig out the weeds and discover new shards of green grass in the form of novel trends and facts – helping us blossom in our field.

Here’s summarising our spring issue for you!

We have rigid preconceived notions about sleep apnoea sufferers. We always picture a middle aged and overweight man. Did you know that even children can be its victims? ‘Sleep Apnoea In Children’ talks about its prevalence, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

Teeth, like everything else in our body, is three-dimensional. Root canal treatment is the most common tooth treatment and it’s a surprise that we still use conventional two-dimensional imaging for it. Recent research has proved that CBCT is an evolving trend and its acceptance and use will dramatically increase in near future. ‘CBCT In Endodonticsexplains why.

Gingival recession is a major concern for aesthetically conscious patients, sometimes a part of the chief complaint along with sensitivity. Many recessions do not require treatment. In some cases, the decision may be to treat the recession with a root coverage procedure. One of the most predictable techniques is the connective tissue graft, further explained in ‘Connective Tissue Grafts In Treatment Of Recession’.

Aesthetics has seen a new rise in demand and supply, so much so, that it is not only about the smile, but also what’s around the smile that matters, even at old age. We are all intrigued about the magical toxin which, when injected at specific sites, takes away fine lines and wrinkles. Read more about the Botulinum toxin in ‘Botox – All Clinical Facts You Need To Know’.

As love makes the world go round, research makes science become profound. Everything we know today is backed by research. India is a country of proven intelligence and talent worldwide, but why do we fail to make our mark in dental research? ‘Scarce Government Funding In Dental Research In India’ discusses this age old problem.

Also read:  The Future is Already Here

Like siblings, bonded by blood, but fighting for favouritism or importance, there has always been competition among the various branches of healthcare to establish their authority although they belong to the same category of service – treatment of ailments. ‘What Is Medico-Dental Symbiosis?’ is an interesting take on the relationship between these two counterparts of health science professionals.

FDI World Dental Federation first declared World Oral Health Day in 2007, which is celebrated on 20th March every year, but officially celebrated in 2013 a year-long campaign for prevention of oral diseases and also raised awareness of oral health. The theme this year is “Say Ahh: Act on Mouth Health”, is a campaign call for good oral health, a concrete action, further explained in ‘World Oral Health Day 2019.’

Our mentor of the month, Dr Ratnadeep Patil has addressed in an hour long session, the treatment execution for a case of multiple anterior diastemas due to missing laterals using direct resin restorations and by use of illusion effect. You can see the entire video here –

DentalReach organized a live webinar March end in association with KGF College of Dental Sciences, Bangalore on ‘Horizons in Orthodontics’ which elaborated on modern Orthodontics and its applications in basic diagnosis and various therapies. Teaching faculty consisted of Dr Shylaja, Professor, VS Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore, Dr Soumya K.S., and Dr Vedavathi H.K., both senior lecturers in VS Dental College. If you missed the live streaming of this CDE event, you can catch it on YouTube –


More of such live streaming events are in the pipeline! You can watch a variety of events taking place anywhere in the country in the comfort of your home. For regular updates, register on Reach out within our community through DentalReach!


Highlights of our Monthly Editorial


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Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics

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