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The first month of 2019 has literally zoomed past us. January usually has a new-year-party’s hangover, where resolutions are strictly made and diligently not followed! Well, let us consider it as a free trial month and decide that 2019 starts this February – the party mode is over and we’re back to sober business. This month, we will be concentrating on some serious issues plaguing our field, some of which we are aware of, and some we might not be knowledgeable about.

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems human civilization is facing in today’s age. The most harmful type of pollution is air pollution because we cannot control the air we breathe and breathing is an involuntary action needed for sustained living. How many of us are aware that amongst other things, pollution has adverse effects on our teeth as well?  ‘Does air pollution affect your teeth?’ answers this question supported by sufficient statistical data.

Vitamin K is an important fat soluble vitamin required for clotting of blood, found in green leafy vegetables. But it is converted to an absorbable and useful form only by the ‘good’ bacteria in the gut. We have used antibiotics in abundance to kill pathogenic bacteria, while an alternative way can also be to increase the population of the beneficial bacteria to fight against an infection. ‘Probiotics in Periodontics’ speaks in detail, about how oral administration of probiotics may benefit oral health in terms of plaque modification, halitosis management, altering anaerobic bacteria colonization, improvement of pocket depth, and clinical attachment loss.

Also read:  Dentistry – A Canvas For Feminism

The newest trend in the field of dental education is short term dental courses – their promotions are omnipresent and hard to miss! There’s a lot of confusion regarding them – whether these courses should be regularly done or are they just a wasteful expenditure of time and money? ‘Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Part I – To do or not to do’ aims to clear the air by better understanding and exploration of this raging phenomenon.

One of the most dreaded nightmare of any clinician is a broken instrument in the midst of treatment. Broken instrument not only includes separated hand or rotary files but also applies to a sectioned silver point, a segment of a lentulospiral, a Gates Glidden drill, a portion of a carrier-based obturator or any other dental material left inside a canal. ‘Removal of a broken instrument: An endodontic challenge’ helps us in navigating through this scenario with various techniques and methods of retrieval. Another serious challenge is coronal fractures of incisors in children. Esthetic positioning of the tooth and young age of the patient makes treatment and replacement a tough task. ‘Fragment reattachment/biological restoration’ discusses how attachment of the fractured piece is a viable, conservative and aesthetic alternative for treatment of crown fractures.

And to end it, the only way to not treat the profession as a liability is to concentrate on our own traits as assets. ‘The 7 great Gifted Assets of A Dental Professional’ focuses on certain skills which act as the most helpful aid in diagnosis, management and treatment plan of the patients.

DentalReach congratulates Dr Venkatesh Balaji, our Dentistry Clinical Contest winner for the month of December 2018! His article on ‘Autologous Blood Injection for Treatment of Recurrent Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation: A Case Report’ emerged as the victorious entry amongst many entries. We hope to see the same enthusiastic participation  from you all in the time to come!

Also read:  Top 6 Articles A Dentist Should Read Every Month

We are honoured to have on board with us, renowned Implantologist and Cosmetic Dentist from Mumbai, Dr Ratnadeep Patil . He is the first Indian to have obtained his research Doctorate-PhD in Implant Esthetics from the University of Groningen, Netherlands and is a trained investigator from Phoenix International, UK. Dr. Ratnadeep is  a mentor for the ‘Esthetic Dentistry’ and ‘Oral Rehabilitation’ Mastership Programs held in India in association with Columbia University College of Dental Medicine and an International Program Director for the department of Dental Education at New York University. He has also written a clinical textbook, titled ‘Esthetic Dentistry: An Artist’s Science’. He has shared with DentalReach, an informative video on planning and management of  cases with severe attrition and collapsed bite. You can watch it here – Oral rehabilitation-Vertical dimension

That’s all for a serious delibration… Wish you a Fantastic February!

Highlights of our Monthly Editorial


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Autologous Blood Injection for Treatment of Recurrent TMJ Dislocation: A Case Report

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